The Ratio Behind the PK3HD and PK5HD Oil Lube Pumps

PK3HD and PK5HD Oil Lube Pumps

We are switching gears, literally, as we move to answer questions regarding our 3:1 an 5:1 oil pump bundles.  An explanation of TECALEMIT’s  PK3HD and PK5HD Oil Lube Pumps along with its pump ratios is on the docket today, highlighting what it really means when you hear the names PK3HD and PK5HD oil lube pumps.  Our goal is to not only educate, but to empower. After reading this short blog entry, you will be able to design an ideal oil tank package and ask for it by name.  When you hear the term 3:1 and 5:1 oil pumps , this refers to the pump ratio. The Petroleum Equipment Institute explains it like this: The pump ratio is the ratio of the area of the air piston, to the area of the fluid piston. The pump ratio determines the multiplication factor between the air-input pressure of the motor and the fluid-output pressure of the pump. For example, a pump with a ratio of 1:1, similar to our multi-purpose pump (DEF, light oils, anti-freeze), will have the same amount of air pressure coming in, as the amount of air pressure going out.   And so, with a 1:1 pump, if 50 psi of air is coming in, 50 psi of air is going out.  To further expand, take the pump ratio of our PK3HD 3:1 lube oil pump for example.  The input pressure of 100 psi, will yield a fluid-output pressure of 300 psi.   What is the best ratio for your custom oil tank package?  When designing these packages, we are sometimes asked this, but the answer is not so simple.  This requires a but more knowledge on the application itself.   Our team has a survey checklist we walk through with you, in order to have a clear picture of your ideal set up. For instance, the type of fluid being pumped, how far it needs to flow, and how much air pressure is being provided… Ultimately, these important questions will need to be explored closer when you are creating the project scope.  We hope this has shed some light on the names behind the PK3HD and PK5HD Oil Lube Pumps.  Got questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.  You can find us on the web chat or by email at

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