Monthly Archives: June 2021

TECALEMIT’s DEF Mini Bulk High Flow System – What Are We Not?

TECALEMIT's DEF Mini Bulk High Flow System

The DEF PRO All in One family grew this year and introduced another member of its family: TECALEMIT’s DEF Mini Bulk High Flow System. On top of this fabulous news, we wanted to share with you what makes TECALEMIT special, and why you should always turn to us for your needs!

TECALEMIT’s Diesel Transfer Pump – Hornet W85 New Installation Instructions

TECALEMIT's Diesel Transfer Pump

The TECALEMIT Standard means that we’re always innovating and making things better and easier for you! We’ve updated our Hornet W85 Diesel Transfer Pump system with a new bracket and assembly, and that means new instructions come included in every box!

TECALEMIT’s Mini Bulk Oil Tank Packages – Video Inside!

TECALEMIT's Mini Bulk Oil Tank Packages

Because availability is important to you.

TECALEMIT’s Mini Bulk Oil Tank Package – To Those Who Appreciate Value

TECALEMIT's Mini Bulk Oil Tank Package

This is for you, the oil distributor who appreciates value. We know you appreciate more than value; you appreciate safety and availability.

TECALEMIT’s Mini Bulk Oil All In One – The OilPRO ALL IN ONE

TECALEMIT's Mini Bulk Oil All In One

As we mentioned yesterday, our line of mini bulk products is growing! It now includes the latest and greatest, the OilPRO ALL IN ONE ECO!

TECALEMIT’s All In One DEF Dispensers – A Growing Family of Products

TECALEMIT's All In One DEF Dispensers

TECALEMIT’s All In One DEF Dispensers have been a growing family of products for the last few years. We’ve reworked old designs and innovated and collaborated to evolve into products that work harder and more efficiently for you!

TECALEMIT’s Mini Bulk Oil Tank Packages – What You Can Expect

TECALEMIT's Mini Bulk Oil Tank Packages

Your time is valuable – we don’t want you to waste it putting a package together. When you order one of TECALEMIT’s mini bulk oil tank packages, you will receive a product that is assembled and ready to work as soon as it is unloaded from the truck.

TECALEMIT’s Oil Tank Packages – The Summer of Inventory is Here!

TECALEMIT's Oil Tank Packages

We keep saying it, and we’ll continue saying it because We Have Inventory!! We have a huge stock of Roth tanks and we’re ready to move them as soon as we can!

TECALEMIT’s Mini Bulk Oil Tank Packages – Best Practices

TECALEMIT's Mini Bulk Oil Tank Packages

TECALEMIT’s mini bulk oil tank packages are perfect for small spaces. They’re perfect for garages, bays, and even yards where there is a tight spot that they need to fit into. But if you need to put one outside, make sure you keep it covered to protect it!