For today’s FAQ Friday, we’re taking a look at the makeup of DEF tanks! Did you know that the molecular structure of the tanks plays a big role in their durability?
Tag Archives: def tank
We constantly take our customers ideas and thoughts and turn them into workable solutions that often exceed expectations. We challenge you to do the same!
Due to the nature of the economy today, we’ve seen a lot of our all-in-ones flying out of the warehouse. These builds are great for extending your ROI and ensuring that you have a top-tier product that will last and work as hard as you do! With that in mind, we wanted to explore the makeup of one of our most popular units, the DEF PRO All In One Eco.
We love to innovate and try new things. One of the most recent requests we had was to fit an inventory control system to a DEF tank all-in-one, and we jumped on it!
TECALEMIT’s Roth tank packages are built for performance, with each part specifically chosen for how much of a benefit to you it is. In today’s blog, we want to spotlight the nozzles that each tank package comes equipped with. We offer two options! Stay tuned for how-to videos this week!