A Look at Our Previous Releases and Our New Waste Oil PRO Mini+!
This is one of our favorite times of the year, summertime. This is the time of the year where we have released the latest TECALEMIT innovations and overall product improvements. As I look back at the last 30 months, an array of new products have been made available to the marketplace.
But let me take you through a quick time line of the best of the best. Here we go:
These innovations have been charged with passion and have kept me feeling proud of everything that we have done together as a team. But a special thank you has to be said to you, because without you these innovations and improvements would have never seen the spotlight.
But, this video is not just about past releases; we have something very special in the works, something that a lot of you have been a part of during the R&D phase. We’re so excited to introduce our newest mini bulk, the Waste Oil PRO Mini+! Stay tuned to learn more about it, or Contact us today!